Tuesday, February 24, 2009

because APPARENTLY photographers and bloggers are friends...

My favourite white boy, Richard Cole King, writer of SmackTalk blog wrote this post about me and this blog in an attempt to use his "creative license". It's quite inaccurate but a funny read none-the-less. Richard, Richard - I thank the white boy for the street cred.

Photographers make the jobs of bloggers so very much easier. Sourcing quality pics is not always the most pleasant of tasks, but when a photographer who knows what he or she is doing takes photos and posts them on Facebook, Flickr, their own blog or a Google album, a blogger's work load is reduced.

A classic example of bad photography with a point and shoot is my Taxi Violence at Marshall Music post. I had no one to take pics, so I had to.

Anyway, so using photographer's pics is a two way street. Your blog looks great and people get to find out about a new photographer on the scene.

Zahra Robertson, a young girl from the hood spent all she had on a camera so she could make a name for herself in Cape Town's toughest industry. She has overcome many hardships to become one of the finest young artists from the ghetto. I have used her photographs, not because I like the child, but because they are good. [She also is quite delightful in small infrequent doses.] She has recently started a blog featuring her photography.

You would do well to check it out.

Original post: "Because photographers and bloggers are friends..."

Smack Talk Blog

Monday, February 23, 2009

rain in dialogue

This set of pictures is the first step for an art practical for school called "in dialogue". This David Thewlis poem called "Rain" is one of my favourites too, so... I figured I'd badly merge on into another and give you this. I'm hoping after this not-so-top-job shoot the outcome will be okay. We'll see.


After the rain,

Our umbrella,

Becomes a cane,

And, "Whatever will become of us?"

Becomes "...became".

-David Thewlis

it's all been paid for...

It's been a weird and slightly fucked up past few days - no reason in particular, although I do have a bust up lip to prove it. Here's today's feed, a random picture of a picture that I took last night and a song that's been stuck in my head all week.

Ps. I don't even know if the lyrics are right, so someone shout at me if they're not because tend to sing the wrong lyrics to songs regularly and it must be stopped.

"I've been left behind
Too young,
too young to run with the pack
I've lost you in the backdrop
I'm quite overstared
The wine tastes sweeter,
the wine tastes sweeter with you..."
-Ashtray Electric

Friday, February 20, 2009

du jour - one of six

The school work load is pretty much disgusting - so much so that it has actually kept me in on a Friday night feeling sick and irritated. I did however manage to finish half of my final practical for Design/Photography. The project name is "du jour". I call this specific picture, "One Of Six". There is no metaphor and there is no intellectual meaning behind it - it was simply one of six pictures taken for the project.

Model: Lala Quail

lala quail

"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple:
on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur.
L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
-Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Expury

[post no.4 of "face of the world" project]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

jessica raine

"If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run"
extract from IF by Rudyard Kipling.

[post no.3 of "face of the world" project]

ruth de freitas

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought.
The mind is everything.
What we think, we become.

I will not become my sickness..."

[post no.2 of "face of the world" project]

elizabeth mbulawa

"I am not my hair."

[post no.1 of "face of the world" project]

face of the world

I've had this idea for a while, to do a continuous portraiture project. For some reason last night I put in a lot more time to think about it and this morning it was pretty much the only thing that got me out of bed...an hour and a half earlier than usual.
I've never done portraiture but I thought it was about time I started working with people, one on one, and through this overcome my incredibly inappropriate tendency to release my superficial side while shooting.
The project is called "face of the world" although all the blog titles will be the names of those involved. The post will include the face of an individual along with a quote that is personal to them.
I hope you enjoy the project.

self-portraits and secrets

I don't like people who only ever take pictures of themselves and then call themselves photographers. But something happened today, I was attempting to set up a set and this picture happened. I promise I won't fill this entire blog with pictures of myself - for every picture, I'll tell you something about myself that on any other occassion, I keep to away from listeners - that's how serious I am about not spamming with pictures of myself.

14 years after I got my first "The Universe for Children" book and t-shirt with the planets of the solar system on it, my dream job is still to become an astronaut.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"out in the country where the air is fine we spent our last $5 on a bottle of wine..."

We took a trip down to the Breede River about 2 weeks ago, it was probably the most welcomed trip I've almost ever experienced - sometimes the city gets too much. I like going to places where the stars are clearer than they are from my balcony. Sometimes I forget how small I am and sometimes I don't have time to think about it, or anything for that matter - other people, actions, consequences, situations...the situation.

This is my story about the Breede River...

I fell in love with the universe, and now I'm ready to move on.

(Lyrics in title by This Is Ivy League, "Richest Kids")

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So it was Pro-X on Saturday and I took my camera along and all I took pictures of was the Dirty Skirts - no BMX, no skating...nothing. It's happened often lately that I've taken my camera out and just gotten so over it and then had to lag it around for the whole day - not fun in 30something degree heat. But it happened. Anyway here's one of the 9 pictures I took of the Dirty Skirts.

This guy is rad, the only front man I've ever seen to acknowledge and greet someone in the crowd while in mid-song.


I've been neglecting this blog I feel. It's been a busy and pretty rough past few weeks. Anyway, as I said in an earlier post I took some pics for CHEW the magazine (much thanks to white boy Richard Cole King). CHEW chose and published two of the ones that were sent in along with Richard's Desmond and the Tutus article which I thought was pretty rad. So now finally that CHEW have had their way, I can too. Here are the Desmond pictures that have been missing from the blog. These are the ones that I sent in.
You can download the magazine off the chewthemagazine website. It's actually quite cool - I always thought it was pretty lame but they got some really interesting and cool designs and shoots going on in there.

p.s "...you're too late and I'm not old enough..."